Ke Nako!

It's time! For Africa!

Travelling in South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho and Mozambique with this Sunday's World Cup final in Johannesburg on top of it all is a trip to remember. Madiba Rolihlahla Mandela's presence in the World Cup Stadium was an emotional and big moment for everyone, for critics as well as non-critics.

Life without the World Cup is influenced by a tendency of PWCD - Post World Cup Depression. All newspapers state that "South Africa made it!". No journalists would ever conclude that "France made it!" or "The U.S. made it!" African societies always seem to need to prove themselves.. according to the rest (west) of the world.

Immigrants in South Africa are being threatened by poor and frustrated South Africans. Sepp Blatter never once during yesterday's press conference mentioned why Coca Cola, Heineken and McDonald's are the greatest winners of this World Cup, and not the local salesmen and businesses. This could have been a starting-point to decrease the economical differences in the country, by giving growth opportunities to local businesses.

The Apartheid museum in Johannesburg was a lesson of humankind's ugly history, as expected. We "had to" enter via different entrances, one for "Whites only" and one for "Non-europeans". No further comments needed.


Kwame Touré said…
Modus Operandi- tillvägagångssätt,

Habeas Corpus - rätten till rättegång

estamos la madre - enough is enough

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